Episode #128: The Joy Of Giving


This episode we cover:

- The joy of sharing what we have

- Clearing energy around Christmas and the holidays

- Being able to let things go

- Being adaptable, cooperative and kind

- Tuning in to what part of your mind or body is talking to you

- What's preventing you from having what you want?

- Living in the present moment

- Releasing generational shame and betrayal

- Letting go of feelings of resentment

- Why we get attached to how things should look or how they should feel or how should be

- What part of you doesn't want to grow up?

- What is the work of your soul?

- The different ways to ground ourselves when we're feeling flighty or scattered

Affirmations for this episode:

- My spiritual journey is independent of others

- I'm embracing the sweetness of life

- I'm spiritually connected to all of love ones despite their conscious and unconscious actions

- I'm aware in every moment

- I replace all negativity surrounding myself and others with positive energy

- My brain functions optimally

- I easily cut through any illusion and find the truth

- My mind is stable and balanced

- My mind listens to my body and is able to decode it's messages easily

- I easily find the positive in every situation

- I allow full comprehension of the big picture

- Even under immense pressure my mind remains strong

- I choose to be peaceful yet work with full purpose of mind

- I dispel any materialism and egoic attachment to concepts that hinder my spiritual growth and process

- I'm grown up now

- I live from the centre of my being and I find an indescribable power and purpose in my life

- I surrender to the direction I've given of what needs to be done and the direction I should take, shedding the meaningless activities that consume my life so that I can focus on more fulfilling work even the work of my soul.

- I feel connected to and supported by divine helpers and guides

- I feel calm and release my insecurities around following my spiritual path, I know that if I do what I love everything will be a success.

- I see the natural beauty of this planet and give thanks

- I'm ok without burning myself out

- I release the faulty core beliefs of being bad, unloveable and not good enough

- I speak my truth without burdening others

- I learn to let go of the measuring stick everytime I pick it up before any harm is done

- I relax and let go

- I'm relaxed, lovable and loving

- I no longer let people get under my skin

- I am fearless

- I'm safe to share my intuition

- I gratefully hold on to all the loving memories

- I'm releasing all the energy connected to pain so I can create love and joy

- I'm balancing out my time issues

- I have full power over my life's choices



Tanya Ormsby