Episode #142: Looking For The Good

In this episode we cover: 

- Focussing on the things that are good, especially in times of upheaval 

- Finding the light in dark times

- Visualizing the future that you desire

- Releasing false beliefs even if you consciously know they're silly

- Letting go of the subconscious belief that life must have burdens

- Healing issues on your timeline 

- Perceiving correctly and creating trust again 

- Finding ways where everyone wins

- No longer using busyness to avoid the truth

- The power of choosing our mood

- Having balance between giving and receiving

- Why you don't have to do life all by yourself

- Not allowing outside influences to sway your internal world 

- Being balanced with discipline especially if you tend to swing from one extreme to the other

- Releasing outdated behaviors that no longer serve you 

- Knowing and feeling you have unlimited possibilities 

- Being patience with ourselves and others

Plus much much more.

Affirmations for this episode:

- I'm seeing that all my needs are being met

- I'm noticing my inner feelings

- New doors are opening for me all the time

- I easily bear my burdens and my burdens are light

- I spend my money wisely

- My throat and vocal chords are opening and smoothing

- I'm finding ways everyone wins

- I'm comfortable expressing my authentic self

- I substitute love, joy and peace for old habits of addiction and abuse

- I'm aware in every moment

- I am able to sleep

- I have gratitude for our natural environment

- I feel the light

- I trust my intuition with unwavering security

- It's safe for me to trust my partner

- I trust my body's ability to return to full health

- I'm worthy and deserving of other's trust

- I rely on my internal council

- I am believing in unlimited possibilities

- I accept my spiritual vision

- My skills are good enough to assist others

- I gratefully hold onto all the loving memories

- I easily release all outside influences not in harmony with my highest and greatest good

- I am balanced in my discipline

- I'm releasing all my of my old, outdated behaviours that no longer serve me

- I have unlimited possibilities

- I'm connected to my future

- I'm patient with myself when I make mistakes

- I know this too shall pass and there is always light at the end of the tunnel

- I choose to be patient with those around me when I'm in pain

- My patience runs long and deep for I understand the worth of each soul

- I live my life in full purpose

- I'm worthy of my own love and attention

- My capacity to learn continues to improve each day

- I'm able to make a successful outcome of each trial in life

- I acknowledge my achievements thus far and feel enthusiasm to continue my upward journey

- I'm worthy of making the effort to change

- I'm constantly changing for the best

- My motives are pure

- Light is always stronger than the dark

- I allow my feelings to motivate me and guide the direction my path takes

- I take my inner child by the hand and lovingly lead them to higher ground

- Others are fine with my success

- My business and I support each other through periods of growth and learning

- My spiritual growth and my understanding of life are continually broadened and reflected in the accomplishment of my goals

- My growth is enjoyable though at time challenging

- I love who I am and who I am becoming

- I am free to move forward



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Tanya Ormsby