Episode #143: Imagining Your Future

In this episode we cover:

- Focussing on the things you can control versus the things you can't

- Being able to imagine the future you're creating 

- How your thoughts impact your current reality and your future reality

- Getting crystal clear on how you want your future to look

- Releasing unhelpful thoughts 

- The importance of the friends we surround ourselves with

- Feeling supported in life 

- Identifying what's keeping you stuck and how to get unstuck 

- Being able to feel safe 

- Having and maintaining strong boundaries 

- Letting go of bitterness, old concepts and limitations

- Living in the present moment

- Believing you can change, that things can be different and our future can be better and is brighter

Plus much much more.

Affirmations for this episode:

- I am generous and kind

- I easily forgive myself and others

- I'm free to let go

- I am connected to my body

- I give myself permission to thrive

- I easily eliminate all that no longer serves me

- I ask that you release all despair, nervousness, worry, arrogance, guilt, rejection and attack from my stomach as well as all points of view or patterns in the positive and negative charges that contribute to this condition

- I let go of all worry, control and guilt - I welcome joy, peace and wellbeing

- Please increase my faith, self confidence and ability to trust that life will bring me the best, most empowering and brilliant experiences for me to learn and grow

- I am aware in every moment

- I live from the centre of my begin and I find an indescribable power and purpose in my life

- I surrender to the direction I am given, of what needs to be done and the direction I should take, shedding the meaningless activities that consume my life, so that I can focus on more fulfilling work, even the work of my own soul

- I feel connected to and supported by divine helpers and guides

- I am fearless

- I gratefully hold onto all the loving memories

- I am balancing out my time issues

- I have full power over my life's choices

- I create healthy boundaries

- I am releasing all of my outdated behaviours that no longer serve me

- I am fitting in

- I am excited about all the possibilities that lay before me

- I am the perfect age to create the life I want

- Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself

- My life is one success after another

- I'm starting and completing tasks quickly and easily

- My needs are as important as others

- I embrace the happy memories

- I communicate in tones of love

- I allow others to completely feel their emotions

- I honour other's success and my own

- I am creating loving, successful relationships

- I have the total freedom to share my gifts

- By returning my energy back down to the earth, I ground and discharge myself, remaining powerfully present with whomever I surround myself or whichever task I work on

- As I proceed dissenting, revealing and releasing my pain, I discover deeper facets of my being, opening doors to light and recovery through this inward journey

- I allow myself radiant health and body

- I easily process my emotions



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Tanya Ormsby