Episode #154: Did You Think To Pray?

In this episode we cover:

- Being willing and able to ask for help

- Listening to what you're inspired to do and being able to act on it

- Knowing what we can control and what we can't

- Letting go of the things we can't control

- How visualization helps with the manifestation of our goals

- Getting rid of unhelpful patterns

- Being able to face things and no longer avoid them

- Using your imagination to create a new future

- Trusting the timing of your life in all ways

- Why it's never too late to change

Affirmations for this episode:

- I have power within my personal and professional relationships

- I am hearing and following my higher self

- I choose to completely occupy my space

- I'm the creator of my experiences

- I make intelligent choices found in my highest truth

- I'm accountable for how I use my power

- I create positive thoughts and actions

- I am faith

- I speak honestly

- I am consciously allowing life to flow easily

- I accept my responsibility

- I enjoy social community

- I make intelligent choices found in my highest truth

- I release to the light all energy or entities that do not belong to my energy system

- It's safe to forgive

- I'm ready to forgive

- Others are ok if I forgive

- I am courageous and strong yet wisely submissive

- I am deserving

- I'm experiencing more and more joy

- It is safe to experience all of my emotions. I welcome them and I process them as my body can tolerate them.

- I'm wanted, welcomed and deeply loved

- I share my feelings and my love in appropriate ways

- My needs are important

- I am open and receptive to all the good and beautiful in life

- Whatever I am guided to do will be a success

- I am fearless

- It's safe to see

- I'm ok with what I see

- I'm able to pray

- I am seeing that all my needs are being met

- I am lighthearted

- I'm fitting in

- I'm excited about all the possibilities that lay before me

- I get things done

- I am releasing mental thought processes that keep me stuck in old patterns which no longer serve my highest and greatest good

- I am open and deserving of the very best life has to offer

- I release everything from my body, mind and energy field that's unlike love



Tanya Ormsby