Episode #155: Right Place, Right Time

In this episode we cover:

- Releasing self doubt

- Not allowing criticism to stop you or hold you back

- Tuning in to your heart and trusting yourself and your inner guidance

- Doing what it is right for you

- Take responsibility for your life

- Using your feelings and emotions as a guidance system

- Moving from hopeless to hopeful

- Being adaptable and flexible

- Getting unstuck no matter where you feel stuck in your life

- No longer feeling you need to control everything in your life

- Creating balance in your life

Affirmations for this episode:

- What I have to say is interesting to others

- I'm taking responsibility for my own life

- I allow others to completely feel their emotions

- I rely on my internal counsel

- My thoughts are getting more positive everyday

- I allow others their perceptions

- I embrace my shadow and recognise it as my teacher

- I access and address those fears and issues that have long been avoided, no longer allowing them to rob me of my joy of life

- Honestly, accessing the information being catered from within my subconscious mind, I experience greater wholeness as I reconcile myself with the hidden aspects of myself

- I cleanse and detoxify both my physical and subtle bodies especially the cumulated negative energy that has come through contact with those whose energy I feel no attunement

- Although I am an individual, I am connected to the oneness of all things

- I accept my inner wisdom

- I let go of the feeling that I'll miss out on experiencing something

- I allow myself to feel calm

- I keep my family safe

- I accept the lessons my family brings me

- My intuition and awareness are gifts

- I choose to replace fear with faith

- My brain functions optimally

- It's safe for me to see the truth no matter what it is

- I'm worthy of acceptance

- I'm balanced and grounded

- I work calmly and steadily within my limits

- I stand my ground

- My family or tribe has my back

- I am calm and respond well when under attack

- I trust my intuition with unwavering security

- As I choose to put my trust in others, I trust my feelings, follow promptings and act accordingly

- I trust those who have made mistakes in the past and give them a second chance

- I am filled with purpose

- I'm ok when things go differently from how I planned it



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Tanya Ormsby