Episode #156: Learn Today, Tweak Tomorrow

In this episode we cover:

- How tiny little changes end up making a big difference

- Creating balance in in our lives and in our relationships

- How to create stability in our lives even during times of chaos

- Being honest with yourself (and no longer putting up with things that don't feel good or right)

- Knowing when to try and when to the surrender and to let go

- Moving from thriving instead of surviving 

- No longer thinking change is unsafe

- The things you can do to help you reconnecting to your body

- Being patient and compassionate not only with others but especially with yourself

- Upgrading your thoughts, thinking and belief system

- Using mistakes as a opportunity to learn

- Making sure you're taking time out for yourself

Plus much, much more. 

Affirmations for this episode:

- I speak my truth

- I substitute love, joy and peace for old habits of addiction and abuse

- It's now the right time to express the best of who I am

- I know when to surrender and let go

- I'm worthy of acceptance

- I release my fears and replace them with faith

- I give myself permission to thrive

- I connect easily to my spirit

- I choose to replace fear with faith

- I choose to be happy and balanced

- I am conscious and know who I am

- My body no longer separates me from those I love

- I am steadfast and immovable for I know my life's purpose

- My actions impact other living things

- I am in touch with my feelings

- I'm connected to my body

- I remain grounded at all times

- I easily maintain healthy body size and image

- I am patient with myself when I make mistakes

- Being patient, compassionate and understanding is more effective in the long run

- I know this too, shall pass and there is always light at the end of the tunnel

- I easily identify the real issue behind other's impatience and know how to quickly appease the situation

- I no longer wallow in the mud of self despair and self destruction for I am resilient

- I easily overcome the many hurdles placed before me

- I believe nothing is impossible

- I am who I am meant to be

- I am releasing all the energy connected to pain so I can create love and joy



Tanya Ormsby